Tip Sheets at Your Finger Tips: Welcome to HandoutsPlus.com
Posted by Daniel Feerst on
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My name is Daniel A. Feerst, BSW, MSW, LISW-CP (SC #8845) - I am the founding publisher of HandoutsPlus.com.
Why HandoutsPlus.com?
When offering stress management training, supervisor skills education, or counseling employees and family members in my office, I often wanted to walk over to my file cabinet and pull out a relevant, concise, handy tip sheet on the topic we we were discussing.
It was a constant frustration not having the ability to offer a resource at my finger tips..
I wanted employees, patients, and clients to walk out of my office with something in hand--like a tip sheet-- that also had my name, phone, and program information on it. This could later prompt the client's attention, be circulated to others, and in essence market my program because reproducible materials tend to have a long shelf life.
Tip sheets on topics like managing stress, eating right, having more energy, parenting, eldercare, compassion fatigue, behaviors coworkers should avoid so they are not accused of sexual harassment, recovering from trauma, dealing with anger, understanding couples counseling or group therapy, or even dealing with commute-to-work stress -- there are just a few of so many topics! I could go on forever!
If I only I had a reproducible tip sheet on this or that topic!
I remember needing tip sheets for leadership skills, dealing with debt, and many times wanting to give a quiz to a codependent client in a relationship with an alcoholic, just as an awareness exercise.
I finally got fed up trying to search and print, and photocopy stuff online.
The frustration and realizing there are thousands of professionals with the same problem helped me decide to author 15 tip sheets to see if people would buy them. They did. This was before the Internet was invented!
I decided to keep going, 15 tip sheets at a time in numbered groups. (You can buy tip sheets by groups on the Web site if you happen to be a customer from years past.)
Soon, I had nine groups of 15 tip sheets...and we just kept going.
Everyone started buying tip sheets, especially subscribers to our FrontLine Workplace Wellness and EAP Newsletters.
I focus on topics that people tell me they want. I surveyed the counselors at INOVA Fairfax Employee Assistance Program 20 years ago, and they helped prioritize a bunch of topics.
From this experience, I decided this Web site would be an awesome thing to do and that I would reach out to human resource managers, EAPs, CEOs, educators, addiction treatment professionals, mental health professionals, and others concerned with workplace wellness, mindfulness, and health.
There are a few important criteria for HandoutsPlus.com tip sheets -- all of these tip sheets are authored, or closely co-authored, approved of, and edited by experienced (25 years minimum required) ...licensed mental health professionals.
All tip sheets, because they are going to professionals, must be able to be edited and amended as that professional sees fit. This is because throughout the wellness, health, and mental health fields, opinions differ, and research changes. And all professionals have biases. See what I mean?
For example, if I author a tip sheet on "Regaining the Ability to Trust Others" -- you can imagine one mental professional wanting to add their own ideas to this tip sheet. We have authored this topic, and you can see a little bit of it here: You see this tip here on trusting others again. But you get the idea, right. Professionals are professionals, and they should have creative license to approve and edit content they give to their patients. We wrote an awesome tip sheet. All out tip sheets are awesome. But the purchaser is the gatekeeper.
All tip sheets must also be brandable with the professional's phone, program name, and address or email to help them connect and promote what they do.
All tip sheets must be sold with MS Publisher, MS Word with Graphics, and PDF in the event no editing is desired.
All these needs are what have inspired this web site. Editing, branding, multiple formats, and convenience.
So, welcome all to HandoutsPlus.com, which is a growing Web site community.
Use tip sheets for workplace wellness at health fairs, in the lobby of your program, hospital, clinic, or private practice. Distribute in client sessions, training classes, and at educational events. Make these tip sheets work for you as much as they do for your employees, supervisors, clients, patients, and students.
If you have a tip sheet idea, then email me about it. If I think it is a great topic, I will give it to you free when it is produced. Send to dfapublish@aol.com.

Dan Feerst is an Industrial Social Worker, EAP Consultant, Author, Blogger, and Publisher. To have him present at your next conference or event on employee engagement, firing up an EAP for more impact, managing trouble workers, EAP theory and application for new EA professionals, maximizing impact of your EAP, creating an easy and fast-moving alcoholism intervention practice in your community, and intervening with workplace risk where no one is looking, contact him at email publisher@workexcel.com - Resume Download
More than 3,000,000 employees worldwide read Dan's workplace wellness and EAP content each month. Dan is publisher of the widely read EAP publication for supervisors FrontLine Supervisor EAP Newsletter and the FrontLine Employee Workplace Wellness newsletter.
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