E161 Managing Stress for Holiday Family Get-togethers
Sneak Peek
Holiday family get-togethers can be stressful. All of those old childhood wounds can get reopened, and, in some families, new issues are created. Even in families that appear to get along, unvoiced resentments from the past can linger behind a mask of normalcy. You can relax and enjoy your family this holiday season with a few simple tips. Prepare a “Self-care” Plan: Decide how long you want to interact with difficult family members and determine your boundaries. One boundary might be for you to stay at a hotel instead of in your family member’s home so that you can have some downtime. Another might be for you to determine what topics you want to avoid.
When to use: Holiday season
How to use: Program promotion, waiting areas, brown bags
Features: Downloadable; editable, reproducible, web-usable with password; amendable; "brand-able" with your logo/program information, if desired; Comes with PDF, MS Word with Graphics; MS Publisher with Graphics.