E045 It's Not Too Late. Making 2012 Happy, Healthy, and Productive
Sneak Peek
Everyone procrastinates. Reducing procrastination is an acquired skill. You aren’t lazy if you procrastinate. Procrastination is avoidance of work paid for with time—the most precious resource. To defeat procrastination, change your view of the task. Break it down into smaller pieces, inflate its importance, assign more value to its completion, and increase your feeling of urgency.
Excessive focus on one or two areas of your life is detrimental to your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Make balance the top priority in your life, with all others stemming from it. No time for balance? Examine your day, and you may find that you have more time on your hands than you thought. Spend it on an activity that you have been putting on hold . . .
When To Use
It’s not January, but that’s the point. This fact sheet is for any month or year. It goes the next step to keep employees fired up. (And all fact sheets are editable!)
How to Use
After January!
Features: Downloadable; editable, reproducible, web-usable with password; amendable; "brand-able" with your logo/program information, if desired; Comes with PDF, MS Word with Graphics; MS Publisher with Graphics.