E031 Alcoholism Is a Family Disease
Sneak Peek
The debilitating and destructive nature of alcoholism is never contained to just the afflicted individual. It spreads its harmful effects far and wide, with those closest to the alcoholic bearing the brunt of its force. If you are a family member of an alcoholic, you are most likely confused, frustrated, angry, and hurt by his behavior - and with one question burning foremost in your mind: “If he loves me, why won’t he stop?”
The inability to “stay stopped” is a better indicator of alcoholism than whether the drinker can stop after one or two drinks. A genetic precursor to addiction has been shown in many studies to exist. This makes the drinker vulnerable to addiction, and this vulnerability varies among ethnic groups and within families . . .
When To Use
Alcoholism and its impact on the family. What’s wrong, guilt and enabling, myths, misconceptions, what to do, and “right thinking” about the disease. Add your input to create your ideal fact sheet for Clients.
How to Use
Client sessions, health fairs, EAP waiting areas, assessments.
Features: Downloadable; editable, reproducible, web-usable with password; amendable; "brand-able" with your logo/program information, if desired; Comes with PDF, MS Word with Graphics; MS Publisher with Graphics.