E025 Making the Holidays More Positive
Sneak Peek
Holidays are joyful times of festive celebrations with family and friends. And yet for many, that image is far from reality. Loss, loneliness, and nostalgia can make holidays difficult for many people. Some people dread the holidays in secret, and they feel guilty about it.
The very thought of the holiday season can send many into a funk. Why? Holidays are often filled with memories that become glorified as time passes, linked to loved ones who are no longer in your life. Divorce, death and distance are especially painful at this time. If you feel the holidays bearing down on you, you need to plan ahead . . .
When To Use
A handout for those who suffer in silence. Issues, tips, getting positive, coping effectively with the holiday experience.
How to Use
Client sessions and presentations, brown-bag seminars.
Features: Downloadable; editable, reproducible, web-usable with password; amendable; "brand-able" with your logo/program information, if desired; Comes with PDF, MS Word with Graphics; MS Publisher with Graphics.