E041 Effective Workplace Communication
Sneak Peek
Poll any group of employees—from the mail room to the upper levels of management - and you’ll find poor workplace communication as one of the top organizational complaints. For something that we do every day, we just don’t seem to be very good at it. In fact, the attitude that communication should come naturally may be contributing to the problem; since workplace communication remains one of the most overlooked and untrained job skills.
Although most employees have little control over their companies’ communication processes, all of us contribute to the quality of our workplace communication through our interactions with our coworkers. Here are a few tips to improve communication in your own corner of the workplace . . .
When To Use
Stop poor workplace communication that can create bad attitudes and thwart productivity. It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it -- and a lot more.
How to Use
Brown-bag seminars, OD projects, group conflict intervention.
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