E053 Coming Back Home
Sneak Peek
Dealing with the military deployment of a loved one puts stress on the entire family. Months, and sometimes years, are spent looking forward to your loved one’s return, but the hardships don’t necessarily end upon homecoming.
The period between news of homecoming and arrival is an emotional time filled with both excitement and anticipation. Homecomings, however, don’t always go as planned – young children may be uncomfortable around a parent who has been away, flights may be delayed, and the service person returning home may be too exhausted from the trip to notice or fully appreciate the preparations you have made . . .
When To Use
Managing the emotional build-up of coming home from; transitions; expectations; getting back to normal life; Ten powerful tips for families and key issues of reuniting.
How to Use
Family sessions, group work, health fairs, waiting rooms.
Features: Downloadable; editable, reproducible, web-usable with password; amendable; "brand-able" with your logo/program information, if desired; Comes with PDF, MS Word with Graphics; MS Publisher with Graphics.