E046 Aging Gracefully
Sneak Peeks
No one likes the idea of getting older, but how you respond mentally, physically, and spiritually to aging has a tremendous impact on your quality of life. You will continue to age regardless of how you feel about growing older, so you may as well enjoy it. Our youth obsessed culture doesn’t focus much on the advantages of aging, but there’s a lot to celebrate.
Two different studies of data by the Pew Research Center and the National Opinion Research Center show that happiness actually increases with age. This shouldn’t be surprising. With age comes wisdom, perspective, a lowering of expectations, and a tendency to be more easily content with what you have. Here are some things you can do to ensure that your later years are your best . . .
When To Use
Embracing the present; accepting limitations without elimination; moderating versus giving up on things you love; being an optimist; new hobbies; taking care of yourself; tips on enjoying life; not looking back; much more.
How to Use
Client sessions, brown-bag luncheons.
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