E036 Dealing with Customer Service Stress
Sneak Peek
Sometimes on-the-job stress is temporary because of short-term circumstances, such as covering for vacationing coworkers or an impending deadline. These situations can be tolerable, if nothing else because you know they will soon go away. But when stress is part of the job description, as it often is when you deal directly with customers, it’s not quite as easy to handle. Since there are two types of stress involved here, you need to understand what you can do in each situation, because the remedy for each kind of stress is different
Customer service often involves problem solving, sometimes when you are face-to- face (or on the telephone) with upset customers. This is stressful not only because of the inherent conflict, but because as soon as you’re done there’s another customer waiting . . .
When To Use
Customers are the lifeblood of business, but when they’re treated badly by stressed employees, they walk away with their wallets. How to cope, what to do, “right thinking” about customers.
How to Use
Training on stress.
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